The Hunger for Indian Land in Andrew Jackson's America

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Erik Herrera Mr. Mata AP US History 12 November 2014 The Hunger for Indian Land in Andrew Jackson’s America by Anthony F. C. Wallace Article Review I. Introduction In writing his essay The Hunger for Indian Land in Andrew Jackson’s America, Anthony F. C. Wallace briefly examines Andrew Jackson’s presidency from the perspective of the removal of Native Americans from their ancestral homes. His analysis of Jackson’s time in office makes Indian removal just as important as the traditional focal point: Jacksonian democracy. By drawing attention to this previously neglected aspect of the period, Wallace raises very important questions about the much lauded President Jackson and America. In doing so, Wallace highlights the complexity of the interactions between Native Americans and the new “Americans”; he exposes corruption in the early United States; and he unearths the role the industrial revolution played in the loss of much of Native American culture. II. Summary Andrew Jackson is often revered as a great hero of the United States of America. He is such a cherished part of the history, that he is honored on the twenty-dollar bill. According to Wallace, this view stems from the disregard of many inconvenient truths during his administration. The largest example the author uses to illustrate the repugnant actions of President Jackson is Native American removal. Even before he became president, he worked to acquire Native American land for the United States as treaty commissioner. In his time with that position, he gained large areas of land that would grow the United States. This would seem like an honorable achievement for the country, but Jackson and his fellow commissioners did not always use fair tactics when negotiating with Native American tribes that refused to give up their homes. Not only is this morally wrong, but it is the exact sort of
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