I believe that people in general do not like to be wrong and are afraid of the unknown. Society tends to stick to what it knows and when something different comes along, it is not always treated in the best way. Also, her extensive travels and activism has shown that the problem might lie with the groups of people who are trying to make changes. They only think about getting
By being bias, having the wrong perception and the different attitudes and beliefs are what makes each and every one of us different. People have very different perspective about how they feel the different cultures and the beliefs. It is very easy to get a bias opinion or an attitude toward a group or a culture because this may be new and you don’t know how to handle or accept it. Each culture has to live by one self’s attitudes and beliefs that we all have to get used to and that could cause a lot of bias, misperception and a lot of misunderstanding. People need to be understandable about others needs and their beliefs.
Conforming to the needs of a group can stifle your true identity It is seen through life that to be a part of a group of people we must adjust to the needs of the group, therefore altering aspects of our true identity. In times of pressure or difficulty, qualities and characteristics of a person can change to avoid the investigation you would encounter from the group if you were your true self. It is the tendency for all people to attempt to belong to a group, by any means necessary, in order to feel secure and wanted. Conformity is displayed particularly by weak minded individuals who fear loneliness, and when alone feel too afraid to stand up for themselves. It is seen that there are three types of conformity: compliance, internalisation and identification.
They start to think of themselves as someone useless who isn't worth much and their start to have all sorts of pessimistic thoughts. They may not want to go out as much anymore because they feel as if the whole world is pitying them and that causes their self-esteem to go lower. It is very important to let them know they still have some independence. We can help when needed but it is best to let them take control of what they want to do, that way they don't feel depressed. However, every person will react to a situation
They suggest that a happy person tends to pay less attention to details and information for fear that over-analysing the information may affect their happy state (Ottati and Isbell, 68). However, a sad person tends to deeply analyse information in the hope of enhancing or repairing their unhappy situation (Ibid.). Another important point made by the two authors is that people interpret their negative feelings as results of defects in their environment (Ibid. ), which then motivates them to scrutinize everything around them. The population’s state of fear is an example of a negative mood which then leads to the population believing that there’s a defect in their environment.
People judge people. It is human nature, and cannot be helped. People are always going to make assumptions about you based on how you present yourself to them. People often feel as if they are defined by how people see them, so they hold themselves back from expressing who they are in fear that it will be ill-received. If you live your life only to be accepted by others you will never be able to truly accept yourself, and it is that lack of identity that will keep you from going after your dreams.
You’ll go through life feeling like peoples always out to get you, so you’ll always feel paranoid. That would affect your trust and if you can’t trust it will be hard to love a person better yet for that person to break down your wall. And having trust issues to me represents insecurity about something that’s gone on in your life. Later down the road that will get in the way of your esteem needs and being able to gain approval. And if you
He also shows violence when saying “we romped until the pans slid from the kitchen shelf.” Maybe the child thought they were playing, but as he was drunk he probably was stumbling around hitting things causing the pans to fall, plus he says how his mother was discontent with his father at this specific time. When he says “At every step you missed, my right ear scraped a buckle,” doesn’t show violence but does emphasize that he’s drunk. The author is giving an image that as his father walks clumsily, his head hits against his fathers belt and he is too scared to say anything to him Ramirez 2 about it, so he just takes it. There is also a sense of love in the poem. He uses the simile “but I hung on like death, such waltzing was not easy” to show that he hung on to his father not wanting to get off of him even though it was difficult for him to hang on.
However, there is something inside holding many of us back. If you’re like me, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Is there something wrong with me?” Our inner voices dictate what we can and can’t do- analyzing what seems so simple to other guys but is absolutely terrifying to you. I’m not talking about delivering the State of the Union Address here. I’m talking about approaching a person and feeling absolutely frightened of what
Repeated failures in one’s past can sometimes lead to a person to give up any expectations that he can have any influence over his future. There is a sense of futility that no matter what actions a person takes he is too incompetent to change the outcome. This learned helplessness can become pervasive and perpetuate the belief that there is no escape from a bad situation no matter what actions are taken. There may be rationalization that any change will be negative and the situation will be worse than before or that he does not deserve anything better. Once this person has established a certain acceptance of a situation, it becomes difficult for them to change or deviate from this path.