The Hebrew Bible, Everyman, And Paradise Lost

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Over the different eras of literature-Ancient, medieval, and renaissance-many pieces of works have had some of the same themes and values, but telling a different story. Some pieces of work that have shown some of the same themes are The Hebrew Bible, Everyman, and Paradise Lost. Each of these was written during a different time period but shows some of the same morals and themes throughout. In The Hebrew Bible, it starts off by telling us how God has created the Earth, the animals, and then mankind. The Hebrew Bible is much like any other bible, telling the story of Adam and Eve and how Satan betrays them by getting them to eat from the forbidden fruit tree. The biblical themes shown in the ancient literature are very bland and plain, sometimes…show more content…
This story tells us of Adam and Eve and how mankind came to be like we are today, much like the Hebrew Bible. It tells us of their innocence in the Garden of Eden and how they quickly lost it due to Satan’s persuasiveness. Paradise Lost tells us how Eve was betrayed by a serpent-Satan- and how eating from the forbidden fruit tree made them lose their innocence. Once their innocence was lost, Adam and Eve covered their naked bodies and were sent out of the Garden of Eden. God told Adam of the sins that were in the future, and though rather than being scared, he was more looking on the bright side of his and Eve’s future together. At the end of Paradise Lost, it is said “some natural tears they dropped, but wiped them soon; the world was all before them, where to choose their place of rest, and providence their guide. They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow, through Eden took their solitary way,” which seems it meant that the people of the renaissance saw this as Adam and Eve’s new step in life. It seems that people of this time, thought it was meant to be that they would eat from the forbidden fruit tree and make mankind loose their innocence so that we could learn of the world and not be blind to things. The people of the renaissance, like that of the people of ancient times and medieval times, wanted to live…show more content…
Through each of these eras, they each had a special literary work that meant more than others. Pieces such as the Hebrew Bible, Everyman, and Paradise Lost are pieces of work that show us how people during each era felt about religion. And through each piece of work and its theme, we see that not much has changed throughout the years. People still seem to believe the same things and strive for the same things. Overall, we can see how the writings throughout the years have changed, but the morals and themes seem to stay the same when it comes to religious

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