The Great Gatsby Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 mirrors Chapter 1 in setting and structure, of the travelling to New York and the necessity to pass through ‘The Valley of Ashes’ symbolic of the mythological River Styx and “The Waste Land” by T.S. Elliot. Also, the many separated sections in Chapter 7 are reminiscent of the structure of Chapter 1, used as a key way for Fitzgerald to effectively and emotively convey the story, by framing the two Chapters together. The tragic events in Chapter 7; the climactic revelation of Daisy and Gatsby’s affair and Myrtle’s death; come to light. The theme of mistaken identity is crucial in Chapter 7, from the first half of the Chapter where the prolonged discussion of who is driving which car creates a confused flurry of who is travelling with who; vital for the confusion after Myrtle’s death. Fitzgerald continues to use various images throughout this Chapter, filtered throughout structural points in order to tell the story in Chapter 7 effectively. Chapter 7 is a pivotal Chapter in The Great Gatsby novel because everyone’s life is turned upside down and the love and betrayal is revealed in every sense one could imagine. Throughout The Great Gatsby novel, Fitzgerald goes on to describe essential traits of human life and society in the 1920s America: However Chapter 7 really goes in depth and amplifies romantic love, genuine friendship, the importance of money, the significance of trustworthiness, and the worth of social classes through Nick Carraway’s views. Part of Gatsby’s American dream is fulfilled in Chapter 7 as he is reunited with Daisy; he no longer needs to throw his lavish parties simply to find some connection to her. For the first time, Gatsby shows some awareness of public perceptions of him. Previously, Gatsby has shown no interest in the numerous rumours concerning his reputation; however, with Daisy's frequent visits he felt the need to exercise
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