The Great Commission - Exegesis And Hermanuetics

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Biblical studies assignment – the great commission, Matthew 28: 16-20. The great commission and Christian youth ministry are two things that go hand in hand with each other, whether you are in a church setting discipling young people directly through the gospel, or based in Schools and communities living out how you live as a disciple of Christ and mentoring young people to be the best that they possibly can be. In Matthew 28 Jesus tells the 11 disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations,” and as youth workers we believe our calling is to bring young people into the kingdom of God. The great commission is written in narrative form, as though it was an eye witness account of what happened on the mountain. Matthews account differs greatly from Mark and Luke’s. This differing of accounts has led Biblical scholars such as Dr. Robert Funk to conclude that Jesus never actually issued the mission mandate to his disciples. On page 270, of "The 5 gospels: what did Jesus really say" Dr Funk says “the great commission of Matt 28:18-20 has its counterpart in Luke 24:47-48 & Acts 1:8 (both Luke & Acts were written by the same author). John 20:22-23. These commissions have little in common, which indicates that they have been created by the individual evangelists to express their conception of the future of the Jesus movement. As a consequence, they cannot be traced back to Jesus" (Funk 1993:270). Despite this and views from other scholars, Christians today still look to fulfil the great commission and help spread the Gospel of Christ around the globe. Preterists believe that the great commission was already fulfilled by the first century disciples. They base this belief on several pieces of scripture which claim that the Gospel was preached everywhere. These scriptures are found in Mark 16:20 where it states “the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and

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