The Details in the Burial Process for Protection of the Pharaoh in the Afterlife

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The Egyptians believed that the spirit of the dead was called the ka and the ba was the body of the dead. The ba was believed to be needed for the afterlife to house the ka. It was imperative that the Egyptians paid attention to every detail of a proper burial for the ka and ba. These details ensured that the dead pharaoh was impervious to the dangers as he or she ascended into the afterlife. The Egyptians believed that death was not the end, but the start of an eternal life in the heaven. When the common people died eternal life could only be obtained if they lived an honest life on Earth. Pharaohs believed to be joined with their relatives and the gods. In order to enter the afterlife, the Egyptians required a proper burial. For the elite and wealthy, such as pharaohs, were buried in a pyramid. The pyramids were important because they protected the ruler’s body, their soul, and valuables during the transition from one world to the next. The accuracy of building the pyramids was critical because it was believed that if any item was stolen or if the body was destroyed then the pharaoh’s immortality would end. The pyramid’s shape was another important feature. It symbolized the rays of the sun falling onto the Earth and the change of religious beliefs. There were two main types of pyramids. First there were the stepped pyramids, which were viewed as staircases to heaven so that the pharaoh could climb to the stars. The other pyramids had straight sides, which were perceived as sunbeams so that the pharaoh could ride upward to join the sun god, Re. This switch of styles indicated a change of beliefs during the fifth dynasty. The inside of the pyramids were just as important as the building because of a few things; inscriptions on the walls, traps that were built into the pyramids, and valuables that were placed in the tomb. Architects and craftsmen inscribed

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