The Characteristics Of The Characters In Raymond Carver's Cathedral

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Thaddeus Casey Lux 1020-11 2/10/2011 The Characteristics of the Characters in “Cathedral” Short story’s such as Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral” use characters in such ways to reveal the uniqueness in different characteristics. The characters consist of a wife who is a very caring and outgoing person. Her husband on the other hand is “blind” in a sense that he doesn’t see how jealous and insecure he really is. Robert is a blind man, but he can see how to help others with his insight and compassion to listen. These three main characters in the shirt story “Cathedral” are a display of different personalities. The narrator’s wife is an outgoing and friendly person that hates to be distant from her friends. This one summer she worked for a blind man by the name of Robert in which she read “case studies, reports…” (103). Working for the man in itself was a nice thing to do simply because he was…show more content…
From the beginning of the story he always identified Robert as “THIS BLIND MAN” (103). He constantly talks bad about Robert for a while in the story. When Robert is over to the house the narrator immediately notices how much attention his wife is giving to him and it made him act very dry toward Robert. All was bad with the narrator and Robert in the beginning, but after a while they started talking and got to know each other a little better because after all Robert was like a stranger to the narrator. At one point the narrator’s wife became sleepy in the later parts of the night and dosed off so that led to Robert and the narrator to have alone time to bond with each other. The bonding was good for the narrator because it led him to learning more about his own self. He never knew a blind man saw so much life without ever being able to actually see. The narrator felt so good that he saw a part of himself that he was once blind

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