The Art Of Rhetoric: Christine De Pizan

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An Under famed Rhetorician Rhetoric has been through many stages, from early Greek origins to modern day theory. It has shaped societies and has transformed civilizations round the globe. Due process states that we must accredit those who have contributed to rhetoric along the way. An area of rhetoric I feel that has not been explored enough is the contribution that women have added throughout time; particularly the renaissance period. Due to the limited amount of resources and the restrictions laid upon women for practicing rhetoric, it is astonishing how many women were still able to make a significant impact on the field of rhetoric which I feel has paved the way for women’s liberations rights today. Christine de Pizan portrayed the art of rhetoric through language and letter writing as she challenged the boundaries of women’s input at the time. She sought to save the reputation of women, who at the time were being slandered and shine a new spotlight for women’s advancement. It is imperative that more time and space be dedicated to Christine De Pizan in Herricks textbook of rhetoric and many more to follow. Christine De Pizan is a brave woman who stood up to the verbal assaults on women in the 14th century. Her greatest adversary who went by the name of Jean De Meun, blasted women for their…show more content…
It’s not just that she was a women that impressed me but her outward denial to conform to a world that oppressed her and women all across Europe based on sex. Not many people have the courage to stand up for their beliefs but she did so, knowing that support for her cause was scarce to none. She defended a women’s place in society, as well as flourishing in the literary realm and exercising her ability to converse, challenge, and reason in the art of rhetoric. Through these reasons and preservations, Christine De Pizan merits more than a three quarter page in a history of rhetoric

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