Thaddeus Stevens( Lincoln Movie)

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Thaddeus Stevens was a radical Republican leader, known as one of the most powerful members of the House of Representatives. He’s a man who fought hard for abolition, and of great integrity, who’s strongly opinionated with commendable principles. Thaddeus Stevens downplays his true political beliefs in order to gain passage of the Amendment, in which it makes him less principled. Between standing one’s ground despite guaranteed defeat and downplaying one’s beliefs in order to gain a small victory on the path to additional victories both are honorable. Had Thaddeus Stevens stood his ground despite guaranteed defeat this too would have been honorable. Honorable is an adjective to describe one’s action as being morally good. By standing his ground Thaddeus actions would have been honorable because he stood up for what he believed in; instead of caving in to satisfy someone else’s morals. Despite guaranteed defeat standing your ground is honorable because at the end of the day you stand for what you believe is right. Thaddeus Stevens had to downplay his true political beliefs in order to gain passage of the amendment. Had Stevens, in his speech during the amendment fight, declared his belief in racial equality, he would have lost most of the conservative votes of the Democrats. However while doing this, it is seen that Thaddeus Stevens has to force himself to deny his beliefs in racial equality under the questioning of Democrat Wood, who is against the emancipation. Downplaying his belief is honorable because Thaddeus is giving up his true beliefs for an important amendment that would abolish slavery and involuntary servitude. He sacrificed his core beliefs/principles and dignity in order to gain passage of the amendment; this gives us a sense of how this can be considered honorable. Standing one’s ground despite guaranteed defeat is more honorable than downplaying

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