It can lead to the death of loved ones, and can be compared to the same level of danger as drunk driving. No matter what age the driver is, under no circumstance should they be texting while driving. Texting or using a cell phone while driving is hazardous to you and to others. One reason the majority of people are against this action is because it causes a great amount of car accidents every year. While driving, adults and teenagers cannot resist the urge to pick up their cell phone and send a text or respond to one, as soon as the driver’s eyes meet their cellular device; their focus on the road is drawn away.
Introduction: Texting and driving is dangerous Body: What is texting and driving Why is it Dangerous Other ways to block texting and driving Trying to ban texting and driving Conclusion: Ban texting and driving Texting While Driving Even though texting while driving is relatively new, it is dangerous to everyone. With our technology changing everyday, people continue to take advantage of putting their lives in harm by being distracted while driving. Almost nobody had argued that texting while driving should be continued or encouraged. Texting while driving
These days texting while driving is being compared to driving while being drunk. In a recent report conducted by CBS News, crashes caused by drivers using cell phones rose from 636,000 in 2003 to 1.6 million in 2008. As a result, many accidents have taken place in the last ten years due to the use of texting while on the road. Texting while driving is being such a target as the biggest distraction. Unlike talking to someone else in the car, speaking on a cell phone demands much greater continuous attention which takes the drivers eyes off of the road at times and their mind from driving.
Unfortunately texting has also become a huge safety concern when it occurs while driving. Multiple cases have confirmed that texting while driving is becoming a rising problem across the nation. News articles show that crashes is happening far too frequently involving both teens and adults. It has reached the point where many states have banned text messaging while operating a vehicle. Why it is that texting is so hazardous?
There are many laws out there that ban texting and drinking while driving to keep people from harm’s way but there are so few people who actually obey the laws. Research shows that drinking while driving & texting while driving are equally harmful because they both impair the driver’s vision, the driver’s reaction time, & the driver’s concentration & vigilance, all skills needed to prevent millions of accidents, deaths, & injuries every year. There’s ample evidence that shows drunk driving fatalities have definitely decreased in the last 40 yrs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides us with some interesting information, which I have converted into a line graph. My visual aid shows the fast decrease in drunk driving fatalities between 1970 & 2012.
Drivers that text while driving are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to hurt themselves or someone else. 1. According to a study teenagers are more suseptible to car crashes and fatal road crashes. 2.One of the surprising statistics about texting while driving is that it is more dangerouse than driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. C. Considering the distraction of the driver in texting while driving, this activity keeps the driver involved in texting for around five seconds, which on a highway means a hundred yards.
Brake the Bad Habit Dangerous driving habits are cited as major factors of motor vehicle crashes. Over seventy three percent of accidents are caused by a distracted driver. Many drivers today are guilty of being distracted by cell phones while driving or speeding from place to place, as a matter of fact eighteen out of twenty drivers involved in an accident admitted to using their cell phone or speeding shortly before crashing. These drivers would be surprised to know that plenty is being done to apprehend them for violating the law and furthermore is being done to enforce new ones for these distractions that seem insignificant, but can be fatal. Simple tendencies like answering the cell phone, adjusting the car stereo, or searching for a song on the IPod are some of the most dangerous distractions.
A driver should be careful and follow the road all the time, without the right to lose control even for one second. No wonder, because of texting the number of car accidents is becoming more and more frequent and thousands of people become victims of careless drivers every year. ”In 2011, 3,331 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, compared to 3,267 in 2010. An additional, 387,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver, compared to 416,000 injured in 2010.” ( Drivers who use hand-held devices are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure
Over the years technology has made things faster for society to move forward, making things easier. Being able to drive allows people to get to places quicker than by taking a bus with many stops or walking. Also having the ability to text others on their cell phones speeds up the process of communication. People who own cell phones try to combine texting and driving to make personal calls or for business matters. While driving they check their emails or even go on the Internet!
The risk of a teen getting into a wreck increases by 44 percent with one teenage passenger and quadruples with 3 or more passengers. When teens get into crashes they are not only putting themselves at risk of injury but also other innocent drivers. Many teenagers are not careful while driving and that is why the number of teens killed in car wrecks are so high. Young teenagers are most of the time not very responsble. They do not pay attention as much as an older driver would and that can cause many crashes.