Terrorism And Homeland Security Management Research Paper

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Hilary Falconer Colorado Technical University CJUS650-1303B-01 Terrorism and Homeland Security Management Phase 5 Individual Project Professor Uda September 23, 2013 Key Assignment RESUBMITTED Portions from CJUS650 Phase 3 IP Original Submission Date September 09, 2013 Key Assignment Phase 4IP Original Submission Date September 16, 2013 Abstract This document will be separated into two sections, the first will review background information of our counterterrorism efforts in the United States and the second will be a strategic plan for the state of Nevada. The purpose of this document is to discuss the key federal agencies that engage in domestic intelligence operations. There will be a brief description of each of the key…show more content…
They carry out “the intelligence cycle,” the process of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence information to top US government officials. (CIA, 2007). The role of the CIA is to continually collect and analyze any and all information about terrorism, domestic and international. They must look into any and all potential threats, any potential terrorist group or organization. They have a very difficult and at time very tedious and stressful job, they must sort through millions of data and decipher from what is actually a potential threat and what is just a ranting group or individual. The Primary role of the CIA is to provide intelligence for the President and for the policy levels of the executive branch. The CIA also conducts counterintelligence overseas and undertakes special activities at the direction of the President. (Kamien, 2006). Federal Bureau of…show more content…
is the dismantling of small terrorist cells and tracking money used to help fund terrorism both domestic and international. Department of Defense The DOD headquarters are located in the Pentagon. The role of the DOD is to provide Military forces to deter war and protect the security of the United States. (U.S. Department of Defense, n.d.). Department of Homeland Security The Homeland Security Act of 2002 created the Department of Homeland Security, the DHS mission is defined as “a concentrated national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur.” (Kamien, 2006). DHS main responsibility and goal is to prevent terrorism and attacks both domestic and international. They continually gather information and follow up on any and all leads that may turn up to be legitimate terrorist activity. National Counterterrorism Center The NCTC was established in 2004 to ensure that information from any source about potential terrorist acts against the U.S. could be made available to analysts and that appropriate responses could be planned. (Best,
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