Television Shows Genres

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Television Shows Genres Television plays a very important role in everyday life. According to the New York Times. The average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day. This constant attention to programing can cause positive and negative effects. When people watch something of interest, it makes them continue watching the next day and the day after. In today’s time, TV shows are watch more frequently than movies on basic cable due to all the different shows are being produce. They’re many television shows that are categorize in different genres such as, reality, kids, and talk shows. First genre of television shows is reality. Teenagers and younger adults mostly watch reality shows. With the unscripted dramatic and humorous situations in actual events featuring ordinary people instead of professional makes it worth watching. It frequently portrays a modified and highly influenced form of reality. For example Jersey Shore, it’s an MTV television show that is gaining popularity for being notoriously promiscuous, and might offer its viewers more than just a no holds barred look at binge drinking and bar brawls. Another example is The Bad Girls Club, which is a show center on seven mischievous and rebellious women with different backgrounds and personalities, who have a number of behavioral problems. They are introduced to the show to change their behavior and accomplish specific goals. Next genre of television shows is kids. Kids shows are mostly consider cartoons and animated series although they are shows that centers on young kids in their everyday environment, Such as, A.N.T. Farm which is a Disney Channel sitcom about middle school students in a gifted program at their local high school. In this program they have different types of talent whether its music, art, or having a photographic memory. Another show categorize in the kids genre is

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