Teen Driving Issues Project - Drunk Driving

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Name: Brandon Adrien Teen Driving Issues Project Topic: Drunk Driving |Section Heading |Information | |Why is this a problem, |This is truly a great problem because according to the DMV, being intoxicated while driving is a common cause | |especially for teen |of very serious crashes, especially those that are fatal, involving teenage drivers. | |drivers? | | |Statistics from |More than 10,000 people die by drunk driving and hundreds of thousands have been injured. | |research regarding teen|Every year, about 708,000 people get injured in crashes related to alcohol. | |crash rates. |Alcohol related crashes have been the leading cause of death for young Americans, from 16-24 years old. | | |Accidents by alcohol impaired driver are the most frequently committed violent crime in the U.S. today. | | |Drunk driving will impact 1 in 3 people. | | |[pic] | | | | | |The HBD crash rate for 16-year-old drivers is 1.8 times higher than drivers of all ages. | | |The HBD crash rate for 16 to 19-year-old drivers is 1.9 times higher than drivers of all ages. | |How is one organization|The

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