Tech Sert 12 Nvq 3

1974 Words8 Pages
Unit 12 Tech sert Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care 1. Understand the importance of diversity, equality and inclusion 1.1 Explain what is meant by Diversity, equality, inclusion, discimination Diversity refers to the fact that we are all different. Some of us are male, some female, some tall, some short, some dark skinned, some light skinned. We come from different cultural backgrounds, different faiths, and different family groupings. And we have different learning styles, different personalities, etc. Because we are all different, or diverse, from each other, every care environment is diverse and every carer must be prepared to work with a great variety of clients. Equality means treating everyone fairly and making equal opportunities available – this also involves respecting individuals differences Inclusion involves making the individual the centre of their life, involving them in everything that is about them so that they are actively involved in all aspects of their life, care and support. Negative prejudices develop against people who are different in some way. Discriminatory behaviour results in unfair, unjust treatment. It could be done against those who are different with respect to their age, sex, nationality, ethnic background, religion, ability, financial status and size. 1.2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination. Effects of discriminatory practice: - Low self-esteem - Negative behaviours Negative behaviours Negative behaviour is being aggressive and violent towards a person or a thing. For example if someone is getting discriminated for any reason such as age, culture, sex, appearance or many more their behaviour may become negative towards themselves or others. This is a potential effect of discrimination because they may feel that they have had enough of being discriminated and become
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