Tda 2.3 Essay

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1.1 Identify the Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures for Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People, including E-safety. Safeguarding is defined in Working together to safeguard children 2013 as: * protecting children from maltreatment * preventing impairment of children’s health and development * ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and * taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes All staff within a school environment are responsible for the welfare of children, and to ensure that they are kept safe from harm. It is the right of every child to have a safe and secure environment to learn in and to develop essential skills for adulthood. High profile cases such as Victoria Climbie in 2000, Baby P in 2007 and Daniel Pelka in 2012 proved the need to continually review, revise and amend legislation. There is no single piece of legalisation that covers safeguarding in the UK, below are some legislation and guidelines laid down by the government to ensure schools can, and do safeguard children effectively, and to ensure correct procedures and processes are followed. The Children’s Act 2004 This act includes: * The introduction of local authorities Children’s Directors with responsibility for education and children’s social services. * Counsellors for children’s services with responsibility for local child welfare. * Local safeguarding children’s Boards (LSCB) with the power to make sure social services, NHS, education services, police and other services work together to protect vulnerable children. * A common assessment framework to help agencies identify children’s needs. * Revised arrangements for different agencies to share information. The Protection of Children Act 1999 this act came into force in
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