Tanglewood Case 2

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Management 451 5/9/2012 Tanglewood Case 2 This report contains the historical staffing data from two divisions of Tanglewood in the Washington State area, spanning the last five years. The data is presented using the transitional probability matrix. I will use the previous year’s staffing patterns as a preliminary forecast for; labor requirement, internal availability (based on retention), internal promotions, transfers and demotions. This simply means, I am going to compute the year end totals and perform a gap analysis to determine where the staffing shortages will occur next year. I will then conduct an environmental scan of the area; this will help determine if Tanglewood might have any difficulties filling their hiring needs. My conclusions will be shared in a preliminary action plan for the Washington area stores for next year. Environmental Scan After researching the Spokane/Seattle area, I have determined that Tanglewood could have some issues in fulfilling all their hiring needs in the future. According to the scan, there are available candidates who are ready to fill managerial positions. However, the hiring policies at Tanglewood require employees to start out as store associates and work their way into managerial positions. I have found that many recent college graduates are reluctant to put in several years as a shift leader and department manager positions in order to be promoted. Additionally, the retail industry holds a negative image of providing low pay, requiring long hours, and of their being frequent conflicts with lower-level employees. The environmental scan also shows that unemployment in the area is considered to be relatively high, thus making it easier to hire employees. But, recent forecasts suggest that expansion in the professional and managerial sectors may reduce that number of individual qualified for these jobs. A

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