English 152 30 September 2013 Alcohol abuse effecting academic performance needs to be written about because there are strong cases for both sides of the argument, it is a current and interesting topic, and people need to be informed on how alcohol may be a direct cause of failing performance in school. A private college is a business, not all students go to college to party, and Alcohol on campus causes more problems than it is worth. Alcohol abuse on campus affects student’s academic performance negatively. A private college is a business. Parents spend a lot of money for their son or daughter to better them through higher education.
You know, all the classy gentlemen go to college, or at least that’s what tradition says. College or university might be the mainstream and what`s becoming the normal thing to do, and with our society’s view right now, anyone who doesn’t attend post-secondary education could be seen as a lower class citizen, which isn`t a good thing. The university/college situation right now is set up to be so high pressure for young people leaving high school. But we have to consider that more degrees correlate with higher unemployment rate. Our society undervalues entrepreneurial work, trade skills, and it discourages young people from pursuing this type of education after high school.
Check Cashing Services Amanda Kunkel Everest University Check Cashing Services Should check-cashing shops be outlawed? This is a very interest topic that results in people falling on either side of the line typically. In my personally opinion, while I do not believe they offer the best rates, I feel that check cashing shops should be allowed to exists. However I feel that they need to have a tighter regulation and not be able to offer such a high interest rate or fast repayment. I currently work for a Credit Union and I can see where check cashing services can be an option for several low income families or families with a dent in their credit report.
Some people oppose the DREAM Act because they think it encourages and rewards illegal immigrants and will attract other illegal immigrants creating migrations of whole families to enter into the U.S. Some Americans believe this Act is unfair because they may have to pay full tuition at state universities and colleges when immigrant students will have easier access to lower tuition to college because they are poor or minority. (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Educational Benefits of a College Education In the article, “Is College Worth It,” Richard Vedder argues that college is not worth going for everyone. Explaining that college tuition has increased by double and is often more expensive than what students can afford, Vedder argues that it might be better to choose not going to college for some students. In addition, he states that after graduation from college there are not enough professional jobs. He concludes that students should consider whether college is worth it or not based on their academic levels. Although Vedder’s argument is somewhat convincing because he points out the economic problems of a college education, he neglects educational benefits that students could get from a college education.
Some people blame this loss of faith in democracy on Watergate and Vietnam; however the doubt in government began before these events. Other people believe that the quality of politicians has declined over the past 25 years, and others believe that the quality has increased and that a bad system is to blame for the doubt, as the fall in public trust began shortly after the increase in public contact with political institutions. Democracy, in America, is merely part of a political structure; within this structure are many institutions that precede democracy. Democratising these institutions creates indirect democracy, for example Americans choose who will legislate for them, not create the legislation themselves. In the 60’s and 70’s the American government was subject to assault.
Most adults care about voting when it comes to it affecting their lives (collage). Sixteen year olds are still sleeping in class and could care less about voting. People at the age of 16 do not even have a job yet. If people do not have jobs, how would they have a good grip around what is taking place in the economy? The teens wouldn’t know how to save their money.
Political Office Term Limitations Troyce L. Usener Grantham University Marion Rogers GP210 October 23, 2011 Abstract This is a discussion on whether an elected official should be allowed to stay in an official position for an undetermined amount of time. This paper presents positives and negative points to both sides of this argument. Some groups believe that holding office for too long breeds abuse and corruption while the other side believes that inexperienced politicians may bring new ideas but can not effect change because of the sharp learning curve that comes with a new political position. There are two trains of thought on “term limits”. One train of thought suggests that our government should have limited terms to inject new blood into the government.
Some have argued that time spent in athletic activity cuts away from study time. However, much research proves quite the opposite. Sports do not take away from academic performance, but rather help to enrich it. Why We Should Save Secondary School Sports Programs In recent years, American secondary athletic programs have been under an enormous amount of duress; the fall of the economy in the past ten years has intensified this battle rather than alleviated it. Today’s society puts an unsurmountable amount of pressure on the world of academia, academia being our education programs.
It goes without saying; we are significantly influenced by history. History has affected our media, our music, our fashion, and many other things. There are many things that are more important than the luxuries we enjoy that history has influenced, such as our life choices. Throughout history we have learned from other peoples’ mistakes and people benefit by using others to push themselves higher at the expense of that person. For example, common sense says that most people who dropped out of high school, abused illegal substances, and do not have an education higher than 10th grade, did not end up to be the next CEO and president of the most successful Fortune 500 company to date.