Suspension of Nurse Kevin

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Kevin Hyer has been working for Nittany Regional Medical Center for three years as a registered nurse. Kevin is also the Union steward for his ward of the hospital. In this paper I will explain the rationale behind my decisions; finding nurse Kevin innocent of insubordination and the intent to put a patient’s safety at jeopardy According to Ms. Martinez, Nurse Kevin refused a lawful and direct order from her to move a patient from a gurney to a bed post operation procedures. Both the Hospital and Ms. Martinez also felt that there was another direct violation. Through the hospital and Ms. Martinez’s eyes Kevin neglected the patient; leaving the patient in the gurney for an unacceptable duration of time for another staff member to move. However, According to Nurse Kevin the reason behind not moving the patient from the gurney to the bed is due to Nurse Kevin’s on-going back issues that have been in existence since he began working for the hospital. The patient that was to be moved was also extremely large and heavy. As we all know typical duties of a nurse on a unit in most hospitals may sometime require physical exertion of one’s body. With that being said, Nurse Kevin seemed to be able to perform most other physical duties excluding moving a patient from a gurney to a bed. On numerous occasions in the past Kevin was able to request assistance in moving patients from a gurney to a bed and this had been approved by nurse Martinez. However, on this particular day head Nurse Martinez was unwilling to accept this request for Kevin to find another nurse to assist and move the patient themselves. There are a few facts that also lead me to the decision that Mr. Hyer has been treated unfairly in this situation at hand. According to the labor agreement, there is to be no work that should be performed if it is fit to be unsafe to the worker. Mr. Hyer was not
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