Superman Versus Batman

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Superman vs. Batman Not often in literary history do two characters contrast and match each other so well. Superman and Batman are the figure heads of DC comics and were the only characters keeping the comic giant above the rising waters of collapse. It is natural that the characters, both sixty plus years in print, have acquired a massive fan base. The fan base of the two juggernauts of comics have been known to attack one another with claims on who is superior or who is the most interesting. Point 1 The origin of each character is significant. First let's talk about the Man of Steel himself, Superman--or Clark Kent if you prefer. His comic book origin, oddly enough, has gone through some odd changes during his tenure. Essentially the various origin stories all have Superman coming from his home planet of Krypton in a rocket and narrowly escaping the apocalypse that shattered his world; he is sent to the planet Earth where he is found and raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent, a caring couple from Smallville longing for a child. (However, in some versions of the tale, Clark begins using his powers at a young age as the hero Superboy, but recently this version of the story was removed from history as it didn't make sense in the chronological time line.) Clark eventually leaves the city of Smallville to go to Metropolis. There he develops the Superman persona we have all come to recognize and begins to defend the world from the likes of Lex Luthor, Braniac, and various foes. Batman, on the other hand, is a stark contrast to the Last Son of Krypton. For starters, Batman's origins are slightly different from Superman’s. Unlike Superman, Batman is born into a wealthy family as Bruce Wayne and lives a normal life until at a very young age his parents are killed at gunpoint during a back alley robbery. The murder of his parents is a pivotal moment

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