Sunshine Christopher Fisher

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AP English Literature January 29, 2013 “Sunshine” Even though he is attacked by something he knows as his loving pet, the young boy from Christopher Fisher’s essay “Scars” -on the topic of “Sunshine”- is left feeling guilty, despaired, and mournful for his late rooster, Sunshine. His father unsympathetically executes his pet and his mother briskly prepares him to be cooked for dinner by "plucking Sunshine in the kitchen sink, dropping fistfuls of bright yellow feathers,” which left the boy in a state of sorrow to “slouch[ed] off to his bedroom to cry.” He promises himself that he will not eat, calling it “cannibalistic” and “obscene,” that outlines his dedication to his departed friend. But, when he sits down at the table and watches his family “feast on mashed potatoes, peas, corn, hot biscuits, and fried Sunshine,” he feels hunger arise inside of him, showing that despite his feelings for his pet, he is lured by his appetite. “Don’t give in! He was your friend!” he tells himself in an attempt to subside his cravings for his pet, but it is to no avail. The boy sees “his own trembling hand reach across the table,” as if his hand was determined to eat the drumstick and he had no free will, and the fingers of his hand “grasped a warm, crispy drumstick and pulled it toward his plate.” Despite referring throughout the story to the rooster still as Sunshine, even though he was being cooked for their meal, this shows that the narrator still thought of him as his friend, despite the “powerful temptation” that overtook his will to resist eating his dearly departed

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