Summary of the Little Prince

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ANALYZING “THE LITTLE PRINCE” The story started with the narrator telling us of his youth. He informs the reader of the complicated outlook adults have compared to that of children who see things simply beneath what things are. In the narrator’s failed attempt in painting, he grew up to be a pilot. One day, as he was flying his airplane in the Sahara Desert, his engine malfunctioned and he crashed. Although he wasn’t hurt and his plane is intact, he must repair the airplane for him to go back home. As he was worrying on what will happen to him, a Little Prince came along and asked him to draw him a sheep. The pilot agrees to this rather absurd request and although it took quite a while for him to draw the perfect sheep for the Little Prince, he managed to draw one that suits his need. Soon after, they became friends. While in the desert, the pilot and the Little Prince engage in stories, mostly, about the Little Prince’s home and travel adventures. On their eight day together in the desert, as the pilot’s effort in fixing his plane is still in vain, the two friends set-off to find a well to quench their thirst. Just before their journey in finding the well, the Little Prince told him about his fox friend. “What is essential is invisible to the eye,” the fox told the Little Prince. Though thirsty and exhausted, the pilot pondered about his childhood when he lived in the desert. The pilot’s faith in finding an invisible spring treasure beneath the desert’s dry and hot surface led him at daybreak to find the well. Soon after, the Little Prince was caught talking with a snake. He misses his rose now and plans to go back to his planet. He makes plans with the snake for him to go back to his planet. Just before the 100th day of the Little Prince’s stay here on earth, the snake bit him and he fell noiselessly on the sand. The pilot is relieved when he cannot
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