Strategic Controls and Contingency Plan

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Strategic Controls and Contingency Plans Strategic Controls and Contingency Plans Strategic control is involved with tracking the strategy during implementation, detecting any problems or possible problem areas, and making any necessary adjustments. The implementation of a strategy is long-termed and consists of a series of steps and activities (Adams, 2013). A control point within a scheduled project are key review points and allow the project manager to make important decisions regarding the project. Contingency plans augment strategic controls and afford a business an alternative plan to keep operating if an unexpected event should occur that would interfere with business activities. Contingency plans typically are developed during the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a proposed business strategy (Adams, 2013). Both strategic controls and contingency plans are necessary because a company’s internal and external environment are constantly developing and changing. Without either a company cannot appropriately respond to normal changes and events or any unexpected and potentially catastrophic events. Objectives Ocwen’s grand strategy is to obtain a competitive advantage through market growth. The company’s objectives include continuing to secure sustainable growth through acquisitions and then attain successful integration of those acquisitions. In addition executive management seeks to improve the company’s business activities by implementing infrastructure improvements, improve the quality of customer service, and lower operating costs. Although these objectives are of significant importance the executive managers also recognize the need to implement financial strategies to reduce risk and to implement a strategic growth management plan. Functional Tactics Functional tactics are derived from the company’s business strategy
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