Stolen Valor Act Research Paper

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What is Critical Think Kirston Levier CJS/211 July 3, 2015 The enactment of the Stolen Valor Act now makes it “A federal crime for an individual to fraudulently hold oneself out to be a recipient of any or several specified military decorations or medals with the intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit.” (n.d.). The law makes it a crime to incorrectly symbolize oneself as having been a recipient of any military metals. Offenders are subject to criminal prosecution. The Stolen Valor Act of 2013, "makes it a Federal crime for an individual to fraudulently hold oneself out to be a recipient of any of several specified military decorations or medals with the intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit,"…show more content…
There is a really fine line between freedom of speech and lying to gain profit from these lies On December 20, 2006 the Stolen Valor Act was signed into law by George W. Bush. It was the law that expanded the provisions of earlier U.S. laws by adding, and addressing the unlawful wear and sale military decorations, honors, or medals. The President of the U.S., Barack Obama signed the new Stolen Valor Act on June 3, 2013 into law the latest version of the Stolen Valor Act. The Supreme Court also indicated that being dishonest about medals that were not earned does not fall within any of the ordinary classifications of limiting ones freedom of speech. Additionally, there are many other ways of maintaining the honor of true recipients. The Supreme Court seems to care more about money and civility, then honor. I think that this law can raise questions about how and whether the Supreme Courts are really able to identify true harm. Many Supreme Court Justice’s seem to think that many of the lies told do not endanger or harm anyone enough to warrant limiting their freedom of speech. The many stories on social media talking about The Stolen Valor Act will tend to create skepticism about the entire award system in itself, they see these lies as being part of a protected right under the constitution. The Supreme Court Justices all agreed that lying about being a recipient of medals is in some ways bad for the actual recipients of these distinguished medals and the medal

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