Stephen King Thesis

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Say his name and it will spark an interesting conversation. It is quite apparent that Stephen King has made a nice little hole for himself in history. Like the Greek God Zeus, he has a firm stronghold on all things weird and creepy. holds a firm recognition in the hearts and minds of all the people who flipped the pages of Carrie. Stephen King, Stephen Edwin King as his mother knew him, has become a well known figure in modern literature. In the past thirty-four years, Mr. King has been busy filling the minds of avid readers throughout the world with scenes of not only macabre, but also of scenes of the human mind at its most primitive. He has written over fifty books, some where he weaves a terrifying or suspenseful event into an every day…show more content…
He’s been doing it since his conception. Said so because he was a pleasant surprise to Nellie and Donald King, who had been told she would not be able to bear children. But, in 1947 in Portland, Maine,[3] the two were blessed with a child whom they named Stephen Edwin King. This man, now over the hill and ‘nearing the clearing at the end of the path,’ [The Dark Tower,] was not born into the fab life style of a successful author, King was born into a humble home. Though it was not humble for long, his parents had differences early in his life, which resulted in his father leaving to buy a pack of cigarettes one night and never returning, it was a home where single mother Nellie rose two young boys, David and Stephen, who didn’t turn out ‘all that bad’ after all. During his early childhood, Nellie had gotten into the habit of moving her family of three between Massachusetts and Maine. Finally, after settling in Durham, Maine, Stevie’s inkling for writing surfaced. It was 1959 and “The Twilight Zone” ruled the airwaves and Barbie was just making her dramatic…show more content…
The kind that leave a bitter taste on the pallet. However in the backdrop of every plot, there are strong undertones of modern fears and issues, but through the years he has become quite clever with how he injects such fears into the minds of his ‘Constant Readers.’ This is perhaps most notable in one of his more recent titles, Cell where a soundless signal wipes the human mind clean and makes carnivorous heathens of them is sent through all the cell phones. After reading such a tale, one might actually consider not answering that next phone

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