Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test

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Using the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales to Detect Developmental Delays in Pre-school Children Tania Feliciano Psychological Testing GPS 231.6 Professor Lynn Mudryk Abstract This paper explores the effectiveness in using the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale to detect developmental delays in pre-school age children. The study of intelligence has captivated the interest of many psychologists and scientists of different fields. They have encountered complexities of an individual and in their learning abilities. We will examine one of such tests in the beginnings of intelligence testing. The articles used will explain how this test was developed and how, when administered correctly, it can identify the signs of early developmental delays in children. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale has been used for decades as a formal tool to diagnose learning disabilities in children. Since the time of its development in 1906, this test is still widely used among psychologist in both school and clinical settings. Its intended purpose is to answer the following questions: What is intelligence? How do we measure intelligence? And, why is it so important? This paper aims to explore the history of both the creators and the test itself. Also, it’s original purpose and its practical applications today. In Alfred Binet’s work, “New Methods for the Diagnosis of the Intellectual Level of Subnormals”, he asks the question, “To what method should we have recourse in making our diagnosis of the intellectual level? He further states, “No one method exists, but there are a number of different ones which should be used cumulatively, because the question is a very difficult one to solve, and demands rather a collaboration of methods.” Alfred Binet today is most widely known for his contributions to intelligence testing. Alfred Binet, who was a native of France, began his
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