Spring System Essay

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Introduction This spring/mass system experiment discusses the behaviour of springs in static and dynamic situations. By measuring the stiffness of different springs allows the basics of Hooke's Law to be understood. The simple idea of Hooke's law is applying a weight to the spring resulting in the system being kept in equilibrium. As long as the weight does not exceed the elastic limit of the spring, then the equation states like: F=K Δx Where F is the force exerted on the spring, K is the force constant and Δx is the displacement of the spring. In addition to this, by calculating the frequency of the oscillation, there is another formula states like: T2= (0.5 / π) x √ (K/ M) Where K is the stiffness of the spring and M is the attached mass. Aims and Objectives 1. Observe the placement of spring when applying force on it. 2. Use the apparatus and determine the stiffness of two different springs by exerting the same weights. 3. Place two springs in parallel and discuss the force constant. 4. Use the same two springs and place them in series, measure the force constant and compare the results from method 2. 5. Use the oscillating method and determine the time taken and compare the results with the theoretical value. Methodology 1. Simply compare the stiffness of the two springs by hand. Record the initial position when it is hanging on the stand. Apply weights of 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15N separately to the spring. Observe the displacement and determine the stiffness of the spring K1 from basic Hooke's law. 2. Choose the other spring; repeat the same process as method 1. Record the individual force constant as K2. 3. Place the same two springs in parallel. Apply weights of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60N separately across the two springs. Record the stiffness of the springs individually. According to Hooke's law, Keq=K1+K2. Use the results from

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