Sorry for the Loss - Analysis

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Sorry for the loss The beauty of a mind can be hard to see through the looks of a soul. The appearances can be deceptive and prejudices can occur. In this short story we get to see how people are not always what or who they seem to be at first glance. Sorry for the Loss is a short story from 2008, written by welsh writer Bridget Keenan. The short story starts out in medias res. We get thrown into the story, with no introduction as to where we are or whom we are going to meet. In the beginning of the short story we meet our main character Evie. Evie works at a prison as a catholic chaplain and is about to deliver her first death notice to an inmate. Although Evie has worked at the prison for almost a year1, she still feels intimidated and overwhelmed by the prisons and finds the “environment of the prison abrasive and intimidating”2. Evie is very religious and she enjoys to use her quiet time to pray.3 Evie’s prayers make her feel safe and comforts her as if “a fleece, gentle and soft, were enveloping her“ 4, she associates the feeling to the feeling a drug addicts gets when they do heroin5. The story is told from a third persons view. We don’t get into the head of all the characters in the short story; therefore we hear the story from a restricted point of view, also called limited omniscient. Writing the story with a third person narrative gives the reader a better understanding of the story due to the element that we get a general knowledge that we wouldn’t get
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