Some Criticisms of Imf Policies

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ECON 401 Assignment 4, version D 1. Compare and contrast, in detail, the advantages and disadvantages of both fixed and flexible exchange rates. Proponents of a floating exchange rate would argue that floating rates give increased flexibility over fixed rates. There are two main points that are made in support of flexible (or floating) exchange rates. First a flexible exchange rate allows a government to contract or increase the money support as needed sometimes to affect the exchange or for other purposes with the concern this change will have on exchange rates. Also it is argued that a floating system of exchange rates do a better job of allows the markets to freely adjust when there is a trade imbalance in a country. In terms of the reasons to favor a fixed exchange rate it is suggested that because of fixed exchange rates government display a greater degree of discipline when it comes to monetary policy. The main point here is that decisions that could affect the inflation in a nation are held in check because a fixed exchange rate would not allow for major swings in an exchange would ultimately affect inflation. Also when it comes to advantages of fixed exchange rates the reasons of eliminating uncertainly and speculation are also given. It is suggested that a fixed exchange rate system is a better for the facilitation of international business. The argument goes that because of a fixed system firms know the price at when they can export and sell products in a foreign country and return they will get. This allows for better predicting and forecasting. 2. The IMF has often been criticized for the policy prescriptions that were implemented to address nations facing economic and financial crisis. List and discuss the criticisms of the recent IMF policies. The following are some criticisms of IMF policies. I. First

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