Sociology Of Religion

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According to Angrosino, Anthropology is a study of human behavior in all places and times. It combines humanistic, scientific, biological, historical, psychological and social views of human behavior; cultural Anthropology is the study of learned behavior in human societies (2002:1). In this essay there will be three questions that will be discussed, why is its important for anthropology to study religion, belief and ritual? A summary of an article and discussing what is the author‘s and argument and whether I agree with the author argument? And lastly discussing Pentecostalism in South Africa. 1) Cultural anthropology highlights the role of belief, ritual, symbolism and religion in popular culture and in people’s everyday lives in complex societies, with a special focus on contemporary African societies. Interesting that while in the past many people, including academics, thought that religion would decline in modern societies, for the past twenty years religious phenomena seem to have become ever more important. Secondly is the increasing significance of media and popular culture (radio, movies, fashion, etc.) for religious movements. Showing two recent developments of new religious movements, popular culture and media are often intertwined. In Anthropology as an academic discipline, whose main interest is to understand how people live in the world, and how they make sense of the world around them, the interest in religion, belief and ritual has been on the rise as well, to understand concepts and theoretical approaches, and to see how they have been applied to religious phenomena in the past and present (Becker & William, 2011: 1). In the study of the reading Comaroff and Comaroff, we learn that Pentecostals”support governments that protect the liberty of commerce and religion, rather than social reform and redistribution” (Shepherd, N. & Robins, and S.
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