Sociological View Of Homelessness Essay

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A Sociological View of Homelessness SOCI-200 D01 Instructor: Professor J. Cole The homeless are looked at as the low of the low, the bane of society. Some Christian believers look at the homeless and simply feel that if they were to apply themselves, they would not be homeless. Other Christian believers feel sorry for the homeless and want to help. With the endless problems facing our economy these days, the nation is seeing a surge in the number of homeless people. In a recent approximation USA Today estimated 1.6 million people unduplicated persons used transitional housing or emergency shelters. Of these people, approximately 1/3 are members of households with children, a nine percent increase since 2007. Another approximation is from a study done by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty which states that approximately 3.5 million people, 1.35 million of them children, are likely to experience homelessness in a given year (National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 2007). The actual numbers of homeless people may vary simply because homelessness is not usually a chronic…show more content…
They would say that capitalists and their ulterior motives would be the problem. A conflict theorist would claim that the reason the homeless problem persists is not because of a homeless individual's supposed inability, or reluctance, to improve their situation. Rather, the conflict theorist would say that the cause of homelessness is caused by the capitalistic social classes that oppress those who cannot find a place to work or a physical address to call home. Therefore, when business owners deny employment to those who need employment, the economically challenged underclass victims will either rise up against the situation or consider taking a more silent route. Some would even venture to say that the homeless have chosen to live their lives this

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