Society's Influence on Gender Roles and Marriage

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Society’s Influence on Gender Roles and Marriage Gender socialization occurs at an early age in life, it is how little boys and girls begin to identify their “differences”. Society very quickly instills gender roles into children, for example department stores have a boy toy aisle and girl toy aisle. Society embrace females as domestics and males as laborers, this is clearly seen in children toys. Girls have mops, brooms, and kitchens, while boys have tools, lawnmowers, and guns (McGraw-Hill, 2004). These differences caused men to treat women as inferior to the male counterpart and drive wedges between race and gender. The purpose of this paper is to analyze society’s influence on the attitudes in the Gordimer’s Country Lovers and Chopin’s The Story of an Hour. During the nineteenth century the United States view was very patriarchal and women basically had no needs or wants of their own. Women were completely dependent on their hubby, causing a servant-master relationship (Jamil, 2009). Author Chopin’s Story of an Hour is set during this time and the main character is in conflict with her emotions of sadness, happiness, and feeling of freedom upon learning of her husband’s supposedly death. She is at her home with her sister Josephine when her husband’s friend Richard shows up to announce the death of her husband. Upon receiving this startling information Mrs. Mallard immediate reaction is to escape to her room. Once Mrs. Mallard retreats to her room and look out the window as a prisoner would, she realizes her freedom is approaching. “This thing” referring to her individuality is approaching and she waits “fearfully”. This fear translates to “monstrous joy”, which displays Mrs. Mallard struggle within her for feeling joy at this inappropriate time. By retreating to her room and locking the door Mrs. Mallard locks out all social views of the world behind her

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