Socialization of Children

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Introduction: Even before a child is born they are being socialized; socialization of the boy or girl starts from the parents and people around them buying gender specific items. Children’s clothing and toys play a large role in socialization and with the all the stereotypes surrounding gender specific items this seemed like a very interesting area to research. My research question is: How does stereotypes of children’s clothing and toys influence gender identity? Literature Review: In Jane Little and Carol Martin’s (1990) study, “The Relations of Gender Understanding to Children's Sex-typed Preferences and Gender Stereotypes,” “Once children can accurately label the sexes, they begin to form gender stereotypes and their behavior is influenced by these gender-associated expectations. A cognitive component related to the sex-typing process, however, certainly does not preclude the significance of biological and socialization influences” (Little & Martin, 1990, p. 1437). In this study it showed that boys tended to choose more masculine clothing and the girls feminine items like dresses and frilly items. Toys were also presented to the boys and girls; boys choose more masculine typed toys like trucks, tool kits, motorcycles, army men. The girls choose toys more feminine like Barbie dolls, doll clothes, doll and crib, purse and a beauty kit (Little & Martin, 1990). In Clyde W. Franklin II (2010) study, “Becoming ‘Boys,’ ‘Men,’ Guys,’ and ‘Dudes.” Gender roles were discussed in cases where parents treat children differently depending on the sex of the child. Parents of one and two year olds tend to choose items more masculine and neutral type toys for boys; parents of girls tend to choose more neutral toys over masculine and feminine type toys. Once the toys were chosen the parents did not reinforce any neutral or other sex-type toys to the children;

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