Batman Verses Barbie

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Do toys teach children stereotypical gender roles? Toys are divided into two main groups: boy and girl. After observing ToysRus, most can determine which toys boys and which toys girls play with, portray stereotypes of gender roles. Through gender-inclined toys, girls acquire nurturing skills and boys acquire soldier-like skills. Boys’ toys concentrate on their physical abilities and attributes, while girls’ toys emphasis physical attractiveness and presence. Gender categorizing, through toys, demonstrates and supports stereotypical gender roles. There is gender role stereotyping present at ToysRus, when it comes to the display of the toys. The boys’ section of the store is blue and a darker blue and the girls’ section of the store are pink and white. The girls’ section of the store was much larger than the boys’ section maybe partaking into the stereotype that females have more visible things than males. Boys have access to weapons, action figures, fire rescue toys, policeman sets, briefcase sets, and tool kits. Whereas girls have access to kitchen sets, vacuum sets, cooking sets, tea sets, “Barbie”, numerous “Barbie” sets, and various baby dolls. By reviewing the selection of gender appropriate toys, the traditional gender roles are: for girls to be stay at home moms and be responsible for the upkeep of the children and for the boys to work outside the home and have careers as policemen, firemen, doctors, and lawyers. Gender development from the nature perspective is due to a person’s biological makeup. Gender development from the nurture perspective is due to the way a person was raised and his or her social surroundings. Gender development leads to gender identity, which is a person’s explanation of his or her self as a man or woman. (Jade, 2012). In my observation, the functional theory, which debates that men fill influential roles in the
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