Slumdog Millionaire Questions

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Slumdog Millionaire Comprehension and discussion questions Prologue 1. Ram opens the novel by saying he has been arrested for winning a game show. Explain in your own words the background for his arrest. 2. Why do the people working in the television company find it impossible to believe that Ram has won fairly? 3. Billy Nanda is against using torture. Why? 4. What do they hope to achieve by torturing Ram? 5. How is Ram rescued from torture? 6. How does Smita learn of Ram's life story? 7. Vikas Swarup says he has received no complaints from the Mumbai police about his depiction of their methods. How do you explain their lack of reaction? 1,000 The Death of a Hero 1. How old do you think Ram and Salim are in this chapter? 2. Where are Ram and Salim living? 3. «Salim loves Armaan. Or, more correctly, he worships Armaan.» Find examples to illustrate this. 4. What gift does Salim send to Armaan Ali, and why? 5. Why does Salim want to burn down the offices of the magazine Starbust? 6. Who does the bearded man in the cinema turn out to be? 7. How do you explain the title of this chapter? 8. What seem to be the main ingredients in the film they are watching? 9. What is the main theme of this chapter? 10. «Those who buy magazines about celebrities are basically very sad people without a life of their own.» Do you agree with this statement? 2,000 The Burden of a Priest 1. How did Ram first arrive at the orphanage? 2. How did he come to be in Father Timothy's care? 3. What does Ram mean by «the difference between father and Father»? 4. What is odd about Ram's full name, and how did he get it? 5. What early signs are there that Father John is not like Ram expects a priest ought to be? 6. Explain why Ram and the young backpacker Ian are both «orphaned» by Father Timothy's death. 7. Where

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