Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned

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Outline: Should cigarette smoking be banned? I. Introduction Thesis Statement: Smoking cigarette should not be banned II. Body A. If smoking cigarette would be banned, everybody would be break the law 1. It is like addiction a. You do not want to do smoke, but it is stronger than you b. You do it if it is not healthy 2. It is banned for teenagers a. They break the law 3. It is banned in public places a. In spite of this people smoke there 4. The addiction is stronger than law B. Despite banned Marihuana’s smoking, people smoke it 1. Smoking cigarette is like smoking marihuana a. Both are addicted for smokers 2. Some people thing that it is not dangerous for people a. It proved that it has positive influence on organism b. Better digestion 3. There are some positive aspects of smoking C. Smoking cigarette helps in some situations 1. One of my mother’s teacher a. He could not confuse without cigarette b. He was very clever man 2. My mother is smoking when she is angry a. It helps her to some down 3. Who smoked will be smoking a. Even if it will be banned III. Conclusion To sum up, smoking cigarettes was existed, is exist and will be exist even if it would be banned. It has some positive aspects in our life. The ban of smoking cigarettes would not change anything to better. The banned of smoking cigarettes is a bad idea. Should cigarette smoking be banned? The cigarettes are exist from ages. In the past were smoking them just rich people and they which had influence on some important cases. Now it is addiction for most part of society. As media show cigarette smoking is unhealthy but not of all. The government had banned smoking in public places but he should not banned it absolutely because of those three reasons. Firstly, if the cigarette smoking would
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