Sexuality in Adolescents

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Republic of the Philippines Batangas State University Batangas City ‘Factors Affecting the Sexuality, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Behaviour of Adolescents’ Survey Questionnaire Name: Date: Year & Section: Gender: Male Female Directions: Answer the questions or check the correct box of your answer/s, truthfully. 1. Sexuality refers to, ____________________________________ 2. Which of this best describes you? (choose ONE answer only) * Lesbian/Gay/Homosexual * Straight/Heterosexual * Bisexual * Transgendered * I do not wish to answer this question 3. Can sexuality affect your dignity and personality as an adolescent? * Yes, because * No, because 4. What causes a person to have a particular sexual orientation? * biological factors * genetic factors * psychological and social factors * conscious choice * Others (please specify), 5. Sexual orientation is . * a choice * a Mental Illness * an Emotional Problem * Others (please specify), 6. Being with a homosexual/gay/lesbian/bisexual makes me feel (choose ONE answer only) * Very comfortable * Mostly comfortable * Comfortable * Uncomfortable * Very uncomfortable * It depends 7. Adolescent sexual behavior (like prevalence of sexually-experienced 15-year-olds, loss of virginity, same gender attractions) is the most problem that teenagers experienced because they don’t have enough knowledge about what sex really means. (choose ONE answer only) * * Strongly disagree * Disagree * Neither agree nor disagree * Agree * Strongly agree 8. It is for the society to be better educated about human sexuality. (choose ONE answer only) * Unimportant
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