Sex Lies And Conversation Deborah Tannen

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Our culture is changing; every day more people utilize cybernetic ways to communicate which reduces the quality of our interaction. On her essay, “Sex, Lies and Conversation”, Deborah Tannen points out that intimacy is the base of relationships, but how can intimacy exist if our communication levels these days do not even involve having a face to face conversation. Since the Internet and computers became more affordable, more people are becoming part of the cybernetic world. According to Wikipedia, there are over 500 million users on the most popular social networking websites, more than half of them are under 25. This means that most of the young members of our society are growing accustomed to a different kind of communication, perhaps one of less quality. There is no doubt that communication is being directly affected by technology; we have so many distractions around us that we hardly make the time to have a meaningful conversation. But this lack of communication caused by technology did not develop in just a few years; it took many decades and the invention of many technological gadgets to reach this point. My…show more content…
It would be hard to explain why young members of our society have become more addicted to the use of this particular device (cell phone); perhaps we can attribute this to the differences in which they spend their leisure time compared to older members of our society. Older people may prefer to spend several hours watching T.V., while younger people will devote an equal amount of time talking on the cell phone, which might lead us to the answer of why divorce rates are higher on young couples. In recent years, 62 percent of marriages ended in divorce, most of those divorced being under 25. Is it possible that technology has something to do with
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