Serial Killer Psychology

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The Psychology Serial Killers He is a 32 year old white male. He lived an unstable childhood filled with child abuse and an alcoholic mother. His childhood hobbies included the torture of animals, which he later dismissed as “nothing major”. Growing up, he abused drugs and alcohol and also accepted homosexual tendencies. He currently has a long criminal history that includes serial murder… Nowadays, the media has sensationalized the idea of a human being capable of serial murder and academia has scrutinized the phenomenon of serial murder. However, most fiction has blurred fact regarding serial murder and killers. This paper will simply cover the definition and context of serial murder, the basic types of serial killers and their characteristics,…show more content…
There are organized and disorganized serial killers (definitions self-explanatory). The organized serial killers are subcategorized as lust and thrill serial killers. For lust serial killers, sex is as important as when the victim is alive as when they are dead, but most importantly, post-mortem. Therefore, necrophilia is quite common with this subject and sexual gratification is the goal. Trophies are kept; more than often, these trophies being body parts of the victim. They will continue killing, the level of violence increasing each time. Thrill serial killers, on the other hand, focus on the process of killing. Once the victim is dead, interest is lost. This subcategory believes in domination and control, therefore, sadism is common and sexual excitement is gained through the cries of pain and humiliation of the victim. The disorganized serial killers possess no subcategory, as to the fact that they are more than likely…show more content…
Many serial killers have early developmental deficiencies or a history of childhood abuse. This usually means that there was no or very little responsible caretaking. Their mothers tended to be “domineering and controlling, punitive and rejecting, or overprotective and seductive, while the fathers were (literally and symbolically) absent.” (Knight, 2006) The sense of rejection and self-esteem is then instilled in them from their childhood to adulthood. It has been very much suggested that many of these individuals may be subconsciously killing their mothers or fathers, having their feelings displaced for the mother or father, say, onto women or men. Nonetheless, many people have negative childhood experiences and torturing and killing people does not even cross their minds. But the mere difference usually is that serial killers usually have a fatal combination of psychological dysfunctions and negative experiences at a young age. Another psychological installment into their behavior is the possibility of their fantasy world. Fantasies play a major role in their lives and the kill itself is an act of the fantasy. It tends to turn into a vicious cycle of fantasies that need to be acted out because their fantasies can never measure up to reality since reality is always disappointing to
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