Science Competency

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Nature and Use of Science competency Scientific Processes and Analysis topic * What are data? Observations or information about a system * What is the difference between quantitative data and qualitative data? qualitative data describes the quality or characteristics of things in words: color, shape, texture, relative comparisons. Quantitative data can be expressed in numbers: mass/weight, density, length, temperature, volume, number * List three examples of qualitative observations and three examples of quantitative observations. Example of an Apple: Qualitative = red, circular, soft. Quantitative = anything that can be describes in #'s. 0.5 lbs, 2 inches high, etc * How can you use data to support or refute…show more content…
a representation of some aspect of the natural world * What are some reasons that scientists use models? to gain an aspect of the natural world, different models about the same subject may result in different results that my support or refute a claim.. Scientists need to know the limitations of the models, so they don't have flawed observations * What are some examples of scientific models? globe, map, * Why might a scientist need to use several different models of the same aspect of the natural world? Why isn’t one model enough? Because no model represents all aspects of the natural world perfectly * Why is it important for a scientist to understand the limitations of the models they use? If they don't, they will have flawed observations * Choose a specific example of a scientific model and describe Globe * its strengthswhat can it be used to study? it shows where land, water, and mountains are, its shows location * its limitationswhat are some things that it cannot accurately represent? it doesn't represent of high or deep mountains, oceans are. It is not very accurate on the sizes of countries * Define and give an example of each of the following types of scientific…show more content…
the application of science to fulfill a need or address a problem * How are technology and science related? How are they different? related by helping scientists make discoveries, technology fulfills needs and addresses problems. technology is an application of science Nature of Science topic * Define each of the following terms: * hypothesis an educated guess * theory well supported, well accepted explanation for a broad range of observations * law well-supported description of the behavior of the natural world * fact a phenomena about which competent observers agree * What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law? law describes, theory explains * What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific hypothesis? theory is well tested, hypothesis is an educated guess * How are scientific theories, laws, and hypotheses similar? they all start with a hypothesis, kind of a step by step analysis * Why is evidence important in science? to support or refute a hypothesis * What happens if scientists discover new evidence that contradicts an accepted scientific hypothesis, theory, or law? it leads to modification of scientific
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