Satire In Brave New World

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Riana Watkins-Martin Mrs. Scobell AP English 11 7/11/14 Brave New World sections: A.) Satirical Writing— Satire: a writing technique that may be used throughout a piece of literature to mock someone or something thought to be corrupt in hopes of gradually improving humanity by exposing it. Satire is very effective because it uses humor to cleverly disguise criticism. This allows the author to get his or her point across in a delicate rather than an offensive way. At the same time, the readers are actually able to both enjoy and absorb the information the author is trying to communicate due to the comical approach. Satire is most often used through the following: irony, sarcasm, ridicule, and exaggeration. It is used to encourage…show more content…
Dystopian writing is currently becoming more widespread and popular as the demand for more books like The Hunger Games and Divergent increases. It is not always completely accurate because it takes place in a futuristic imagined society, meaning the author has to make everything up while insuring that it all makes sense. This can be a difficult thing to do, which may end up altering the novel’s authenticity. Dystopian writing is gradually becoming more relevant as the 21st century evolves. This is because of the fact that the authors are learning how important it is to make the topics they write about relatable. They write novels that shine a new light on the modern day world using fantasy while incorporating reality at the same time so that the novel is relevant to the reader. Anthem Brave New…show more content…
Not only was Henry Ford incorporated into Huxley’s novel as a ‘god’, but ideas such as assembly lines were also both integrated and applied to biology. *Huxley was well aware of the economic depression and political unrest present in countries such as Russia and Germany. He knew that due to the horrific conditions of the countries, they could easily be taken advantage of by political figures who were thirsty for power. His novel foreshadowed this happening because in the World State, individuals were completely dominated by the government and manipulated into thinking this was justified. Eventually, Germany was taken over by Hitler and Russia was taken over by Mussolini. D.) Analysis— Symbolism is present in Brave New World. Sometimes, it was quite obvious. Other times, however, it was not as apparent. Huxley’s symbolism was both well thought out and thought provoking. Some symbolism that is existent in his novel includes the following: * The entire World State is one giant assembly line that manufactures people instead of items that have been conditioned to fit in with both a specialized job and a specialized
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