Sartoris Snopes In William Faulkner's Barn Burning

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"Barn Burning" -- Faulkner This story by William Faulkner is set in the post Civil War South among a family of sharecroppers who are forced to take up new residence regularly when the actions of the family patriarch force them to move on often. The main character is named Colonel Sartoris Snopes, or Sarty, and though the story is narrated by an uninvolved narrator, we see much of what happens through Sarty's eyes. His father is a man who feels cheated by the world. He has seen his condition in the world deteriorate since the war. He recognizes the class structure of his society and recognizes that before the war he was not on the lowest rung of the social ladder; despite his rugged life of that time, he could always claim to be superior to…show more content…
Notice that Sarty has no real sense of his father's outrage. He sees his father's anger, but he cannot understand it or from where it comes. Sarty was not alive during or before the war, so his only frame of reference is his ten years in this sharecropping family. Sarty lives with his father, his mother, an aunt, two sisters, and a brother. Sarty is the only member of the family to truly act on his own conscience, and ultimately this separates him from the rest of the family. Sarty was prepared, if necessary, to testify against his father in the incident of the burning of the Harris barn; he, alone, tries to save DeSpain's barn by warning the Major of what is about to happen. When Sarty follows DeSpain's horse up to the burning barn, he hears gunshots in the confusion. His father was not a man of such weapons: Abner's tool and weapon was fire. Sarty trips and falls, then, seeing what he has tripped over on the ground, he runs away from the conflagration. He had been calling out "Pap, Pap." As he runs away, he calls out, "Father, Father." The story ends with Sarty separated from his family. He awakens from the chaos of the night stiff and cold from the dampness, but he realizes that as he walks the rising sun would warm him

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