Saq Induction Assignment

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Elizabete Da Silva SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS SAQ1) 1. Students, halls, lectures, teachers, classes, classrooms, books, tutorials, audience, 2. Interesting, too many, beautiful, big, tiny. 3. Wonder, felt, did see, was, hissing, boiling, spread, was, were, a little princess. SAQ2) Wrong words: 1- have, 2- are, 3- or, 4- were, 5- was, 6- too,to, SAQ3) 1. Those sausages were very good. 2. I would like to be able to read, will uou teach me. 3. If i had remembered i would of got them for you 4. You are better at maths than i SAQ4) About the year 1600, when Queen Elizabeth was sixty-seven and William Shakespeare was writing his play called '' Julious Ceaser'', there died, twenty-four miles from Stratford-on-Avon, a rich miller- John James Nollykins by name. He was the handsomest miller in Warwickshire but none of his neighbours- or at least none of his poor neighbours- could abide the sight of him. He was a morose, close fisted, pitiless old man. SAQ5) It is not difficult to find an unknown animal. Spend a day in the tropical rainforest of South America, turning over logs, looking beneath bark, sifting through the moist litter of leaves, followed by an evening shining a mercury lamp on a white screen, and, one way or another, you will collect hundreds of different creatures. SAQ6) 1. The butcher's shop 2. Isn't it good that the television is mended? 3. Haven't you been to the shops yet? 4. I'll be going to school in a minute 5. The dog's tail 6. The bird's wings 7. Couldn't you find the cakes 8. The flower's petals 9. I don't want to go to work today 10. Mary's pen SAQ7) ''Fred, you've left the keys in the car and it's locked,'' said

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