Running Lady Experiment

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Running Lady Experiment Aim: To investigate and observe the differences between constant velocity and increasing and decreasing velocity, by carrying out the Running Lady Experiment. Hypothesis: | Constant Velocity | Increasing Velocity | Decreasing Velocity | Displacement v Time | Displacement Time | Time Displacement | Time Displacement | Velocity v Time | Velocity Velocity Time | Time | Time Velocity | Graph 1: That a constant velocity will equate to a constant increase when graphed as Displacement v Time. That the slope of the graph will remain constant throughout, indicating a steady or constant velocity. Graph 2: That an increased velocity will show a slight curve on a positive slope as the displacement gets slightly increased whilst time is constant, demonstrating increasing velocity situations. Graph 3: That a decrease in velocity will show a slight downward slope toward the middle of the line as displacement decreases as time remains constant. Graph 4: That velocity against time will remain a straight line in the case of constant velocity. As time increases there isn’t an increase or decrease in velocity, thus indicating a constant velocity. Graph 5: That Velocity v Time in an increasing velocity scenario would be graphed with one horizontal line. As velocity remains constant whilst time does increase. Graph 6: This graph would show a negative downward slope as the runner is decreasing their velocity whilst taking time, running from the starting point. Method: 1. An experiment was to be carried out to investigate the differences between constant, increasing and decreasing velocity. A stopwatch, trundle wheel, chalk, paper and a pencil for recording was collected. 2. People, in groups of 15, were allocated jobs such as: running lady, time keepers, recorder

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