Romeo's Fickle Heart

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Romeo’s fickle heart in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet In Shakespeare’s most famous love story people often forget that Romeo had another love interest before Juliet. Romeo was at first interested in Rosaline, a woman who never even utters a line in the play. Romeo is denied by Rosaline and falls in love with Juliet only days later. In fair Verona, Romeo is venting his frustrations to Benvolio about Rosaline, when he explains “She will stay siege of loving terms/ nor bide th’ encounter of assailing eyes/ nor ope her lap to saint-seducing gold”(1.1.215-218). Romeo is frustrated Rosaline has not responded to his cliché attempts to woo her. He is even upset that she won’t “ope her lap to saint-seducing gold”; basically she isn’t a prostitute who has sex for money. It is simply amazing that Romeo can act like such a pig for one woman and then kill himself just a few acts later for another. When Romeo explains that he is suddenly in love with Juliet to his heavenly/pseudo father figure, Friar Lawrence, the Friar exclaims “Holy Saint Francis! What a change is here!”(2.3.65). The Friar is stunned that after he was so depressed over Rosaline he can suddenly be is madly in love with Juliet. Lord Montague, Romeo’s father, was talking about his son’s depression early in the play when he says Away from light steals home my heavy son And private in his chamber pens himself, Shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out And makes himself an Artificial night. Black and portentous must this humor prove Unless good counsel may the cause remove. (1.1.140-145) Montague was speaking to Romeo’s friend, Benvolio, asking him to find out the cause of his son’s depression instead of acting like a good parent and talking to his child directly. If Montague or Capulet had just asked their children, “hey is there something wrong?”, maybe all the lives of Verona’s
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