Romans 1: Biblical Worldview

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BIBL 110-DO8 LUO Prof. William Floyd Biblical Worldview Essay Paul wrote the book of Romans to teach Christians of that area a godly view of life. Paul is sharing the way God wants us to view nature, our identity, our relationships, and how to deal with culture. Romans 1-8 has a lot of information to understand about how to live within these subject matters. This books show definitely the trouble we have as humans living within these subjects. The natural world was created by God. Romans 1:20 states that that through the creation of the earth you can see God’s invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature. All this can be understood through what God has created. So there is no excuse for believers not to know and understand about…show more content…
Though Romans says that human nature is that we are sinners. Human beings are slaves to sin and seem to be powerless against it. We understand that we are not righteous at all, and that we need a relationship with God, so that we can be empowered by His righteous. His righteous comes through our faith in Jesus Christ. Only he can redeem, justify, and sanctify us, and we need all three for our salvation. So we understand that our nature is sinful, but through Jesus we can win the battle against our flesh. Paul wrote that through the law we come unto the knowledge that we are sinful. We understand that through the work of the law, that we cannot be justified in the sight of God. We must know that we are justified by grace apart from any works in the…show more content…
After reading Romans 1-8, I never would have thought you could find these subjects in these scriptures. I basically saw the subject matter based around the character of how some believers treat other cultures outside of their race. I figured that Paul was just trying to get the Jews straighten out from mistreating the Gentiles, and not allowing them access to salvations, but I know understanding that there was a correlation between what Paul was writing and the subjects at hand. Paul was basically showing us that we had a sinful nature that our identity was in God, which we should have a serving relationship with others outside our race that we should not give into the cultures around us and we should not conform to the civilization that we live in. I fully understand now how these subjects can affect our everyday lives. I believe most times we go through life not know how we are being affected in our environments. We must stop and take inventory of how we react to our environments. We stop to see if we have a hold to our sinful nature or do we allow for it to have a hold on us. I understand that Paul was writing that we should not be like everyone around us, that we should march to a different beat. Our action must show that we are believers of God and that all our faith is in Him and his

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