Roman and Greek Sculpture Essay.

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The aim of the assignment is to discuss how the artist’s manipulation of the formal elements and the societal context play major roles in the ‘reading’ of an artwork. I have chosen Doryphoros of Polykleitos from the Early and high classical Greek era and Augustus of Prima Porta from the Early Roman period to do this. According to Kleiner and Mamiya (2011:126) the early and high Classical periods from the Olympians dates back from 480-323 BCE (2011:126). The early empire of the Roman Empire dates back from 27 BCE-96 CE (Kleiner & Mamiya, 2011:248). First, I will discuss the compositional design of each artwork. Secondly, I will contextualize each artwork and address the stylistic tendencies. Lastly, I will be comparing and contrasting the artworks. Doryphoros of Polykleitos are also known as the ‘spear bearer’(see Addendum A, Figure 1) was a Roman marble sculpture copy from Pompeii, Italy, after the bronze original of c.a. 450-440 BCE from the Early and high Classical Greek era(Kleiner, 2005:135). The size is 6’11’’ high and can be found at the National Museum, Naples (Kleiner, 2011:124).The subject matter is Doryphoros as a warrior or a soldier as his left hand suggests he was holding something like a spear as he was known as a “Spear-bearer”. The focal point is his muscular chest as your eye is drawn to his muscular build, but this is emphasized in his diagonal and horizontal chest lines. The Greeks were obsessed with muscularity and nudity as they weren’t ashamed of their bodies as a lot of the Greek sculpture displays their genitals. They used to go to the gymnasium and war in nude as there were no women in the gymnasium and women weren’t allowed to fight in wars. Doryphoros is leaning against a tree trunk to make the sculpture balanced as well as a piece on his right wrist attached to his thigh for stability. The sculpture is also naturalistic as his head is
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