Role Of Leadership

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Role of leadership in national integration: From earlier civilization till current modern civilization. What we need for survival is to work as a team and team work is achieved by adopting good leader. Who needs to manage the team in their best interest? And modern leadership required more than only interpersonal skills of leadership .but the integration at national and international level with other communities, is deed demand of the time. Outlines The True sense of leadership: Leadership and Mass: Personal Integration. Leadership and Democracy: Institutional Affiliation Institution as leadership: Role of Institution. Leadership and Globalization: Leadership as Institution and national Integrity. Conclusion The national integration only persists if its leadership integrates international, with its on culture and ideology. Leadership is basically made the future base of the nation. Leadership is not only the phenomena related to few personalities but it is aggregate combine affects of all the individuals who are performing at role of guide to the people at any level. Many times these personals got the position of leader and become more efficient.Normaly we experienced different people in our society. Those are at different position like any managerial role, Class representative, Opinion leader of the community, Religious leaders and scholars, Social worker, Philosophers, Authors, Artists, Party worker as well party head, head of the family and Teachers. This complete chain of Leaders in nation provide the leadership to the nation and defiantly the uniformity of their efforts will be reflection of true leadership and uniformity of efforts is only possible if there exist the uniformity of ideology among complete chain of leaders and automatically national integration will be achieved. Point is here how to achieve the

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