Roger Nichols The Canada Us Border And Indigenous People Summary

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The article under review in this paper is Roger L. Nichols’s “The Canada-US Border and Indigenous Peoples in the Nineteenth Century.”¹ Nichols’s purpose is to provide “a comparative analysis of indigenous people’s experiences in Canada and the United States during the nineteenth century demonstrates broad similarities. Despite shared long-term efforts in both nations to erase Indians’ presence, often each government had different motivations and policies.”² Nichols argues that “for generations, most historians writing about either Canada or the United States gave only limited attention to shared North American issues since the era of American independence.”³ Nichols takes an excellent approach to addressing the relationship between Native peoples and the national governments of both Canada and the United States. The organization of the text suggests that Nichols perceives a distinct pattern of migration between both Canada and the United States. Although for much of the time period there was no physical line separating Canada and the United States, Nichols article leads us to realize that there was an undeniable line, physically visible or not. In the article Nichols compares…show more content…
He adequately examines the long-term and short-term factors that led to a change in the relationship between Canada and the United States. Nichols also analyzes the phases this relationship went through and the political tactics that were used to govern the lives of the First Nations people. Nichols is good at communicating the situational elements the First Nations faced, whether it was a radical or conservative attitude towards the Natives possessions, mainly their land and complications they presented in Western expansion, he still managed to showcase his strong ideological convictions about how the First Nations should have been

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