The Free Quebec Conflict

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I. INITIAL ANALYSIS OF THE "CANADA – FREE QUEBEC" CONFLICT A. Introduction of the Conflict Quebec is a province of Canada, and many Québécois (French speaking people from Québec) want to be a free, sovereign society apart from the rest of Canada. The interdependent parties involved in the “Canada – Free Québec” conflict are the Province of Québec, the nine other provinces of Canada and the three territories Provinces are similar to states and territories are geographic areas that is owned and controlled by a particular government or country. A separation by Québec from the rest of Canada would geographically, socially and economically change Canada as it is known today. Culturally, Québec is an inherent part of Canada and Canadian…show more content…
An Introduction of All the Interdependent Parties of the Conflict In the "Free Québec Conflict," the primary interdependent parties are all the residents of Québec: the Québec Separatists and the non-separatists peoples of Québec alike. The secondary interdependent parties involved in this conflict are the nine other provinces and three territories of the remaining country. The third interdependent parties involved are the United States, Mexico, and the rest of the world. The outcome of this civil strife is of major interest to all parties and has currently, and will in the future, affect the goals of each party. B. The Primary Interdependent Parties of the Conflict The primary interdependent parties involved in the "Canada - Free Québec" conflict are the separatists of Québec and the rest of the people of Québec. The goals of the Québécois separatists involve Québec's designation as a distinct society which would enable Québec to govern itself while still remaining a part Canada. These separatists consider themselves a distinct society and therefore want the right to have their own government and laws. The remainders of the peoples of Québec have a non-separatist view. The non-separatist, pro-Canada goals and interests are to keep Canada as an undivided…show more content…
AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE PRIMARY PARTIES OF THE CANADA - FREE QUÉBEC CONFLICT A. Introduction of the In-depth Analysis of the Primary Parties of the Conflict The French speaking residents of Québec (currently known as the Québécois) have struggled to preserve their cultural, religious, and ethnic identity in a primarily English-speaking Canada. How that struggle has led to the movement to make Quebec an independent country has yet to be decided. It has been twelve years since the last referendum and many say that there is speculation that if there is ever another vote, only a part of Québec will separate. B. The Sources of Power of the Primary Parties The two main sources of power at the federal level for the Québécois are the Bloc Québécois (BQ) and the Parti Québécois (PQ). The two parties are distinct yet they are closely tied and hold two main principles: sovereignty and social democracy. Though they have two core principles in common, there is a separation among the voters as they share the same voter base. But the two parties frequently share political candidates, and support each other during election campaigns. Historically, the BQ has frequently given their votes to the PQ to ensure the PQ’s winning of the general national
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