Rodion Raskolnikov Crimes

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Crime and Punishment Testimony Rodion Raskolnikov has committed a double murder, for he has to be psychologically evaluated by I Dr. Alzubi. We the prosecution is entitled to prove Rodion Raskolnikov guilty on all accounts of murder. I have twenty two years of criminal psychiatry experience; which leaves me to prove Rodion sane while he committed the double crime. Rodion Raskolnikov kills the pawnbroker and her sister; Alyona Ivanovna and Lizaveta. The sole purpose of ripping people off for their money by taking advantage of their poor economic status is immoral. This drives Rodion to develop a deep hatred for Alyona. In part I page seventy six; it provides details about the criminal hesitating with time and fear. This only proves one…show more content…
For example, “an insane murderer might slit another human’s throat, but in his reality he is slicing bread.” Now another approach to a criminal thought process is a criminal by chopping a human head and finding it funny for the victim to go looking for it.” I justify my first example by Einstein’s definition of insanity; “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (” My second example coincides with insanity, because under the Manchester Rule; “a person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of the offense, the criminal conduct is the result of mental disease or defect, and the person lacks substantial capacity to appreciate wrongfulness of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirement of the law.” This rule explains why Rodion Raskolnikov is not mentally insane; he was simply guilty even before the…show more content…
This explains his delirious and strange dreams from the aftermath of the murders. Continuing the investigation, Mr. Raskolnikov ends up confessing the murders to the love of his life, Sonya. In chapter V page 413 Raskolnikov confesses the crime to Sonya; “I wanted to have the daring… and I killed her. I only wanted to have the daring, Sonia! That was the whole cause of it!” My determination of this specific confession portrays Mr. Raskolnikov’s pride. Mr. Raskolnikov clearly states he murdered Alyona Ivanovna, as well why and what he has

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